About Us

Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a world full of color and imagination, always trying out new things. Who is she? Let’s call her, Lily. Lily wasn’t your normal fashion gal. She was a dreamer, and a fan of all things pink and fabulous.

Lily soon realised that, though her love for new things grew as a hobby, exploring. There were people who were still left behind. Lily wanted to do something, to help them catch up. With her writing and nonstop curating, she started Shelikepink, determined to serve the people left out. 

📝 Shelikepink is not like most other blogs. It’s a place that was made with love and a desire to spread good things. 🚀🌷

You are the one helping Lily’s dream come true: making people feel beautiful on the inside and out. 🌟

Stay cool, and don’t forget that you’re a part of something really great.

Lots of love and happiness to you,

_ SheLikePink _

P.S. Don’t be afraid to get in touch if you ever want to share something or have a question. We want to help you. 💌